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更新时间:2016-08-27 16:07:44 浏览次数:100次
区域: 扬州 > 邗江
The perfect student.....ASKS QUESTIONS.
Most teachers want students to ask questions when they do not understand a concept that is being taught. Good students aren’t afraid to ask questions because they know that if they do not get a particular concept, it could hurt them later. Asking questions is often beneficial to the class as a whole because chances are if you have that question, there are other students who have that same question.
The perfect student is a.....HARD WORKER.
The perfect student isn’t necessarily the smartest student. There are plenty of students who are blessed with natural intelligence, but lack the self discipline to hone that intelligence. Teachers love students who choose to work hard no matter what their level of intelligence is. Being a hard worker in school simply means completing assignments on time, putting your maximum effort into every assignment, asking for extra help when you need it, putting in the time to study for tests and quizzes, as well as recognizing weaknesses and looking for ways to improve upon those weaknesses.
The perfect student is.....INVOED.
Being involved in extra-curricular activities can help a student gain confidence which can improve academic success. Most good students get involved in some activity whether it is athletics, Student Council, etc. These activities provide so many learning opportunities that a traditional classroom simply can’t. These activities also provide opportunities to take on leadership roles and they often teach people to work together as a team to accomplish a common goal.
The perfect student is a.....LEADER.
Teachers love good students who are natural leaders within their classroom. Whole classes have their own unique personalities and often times those classes with good leaders are good classes. Leadership skills are often innate. It is also a skill that develops over time amongst your peers. Being trustworthy is a key component of being a leader. If your classmates don’t trust you, then you will never be leader. If you are a leader amongst your peers, you have the ultimate responsibility to lead by example and the ultimate power to motivate others to be successful.
The perfect student is.....MOTIVATED.
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